Trusted hosts: Authenticate without passwords among Linux enviornements

Sunday, March 24, 2013 ·

Source Machine: MACHINE A
Target Machine: MACHINE B

Following executed at MACHINE A (Source Machine)
        Login to the server:
su – john

2.       Create the public key:
ssh–keygen  –t  rsa

3.       Press “Enter” (without providing any input) for all 03 questions.

4.       Edit the file that is been generated (default location: /home/john/.ssh/ and copy the contents that is been generated for that particular machine.

Following executed at MACHINE B (Source Machine)
5.       Switch user
su  - john

6.       Create a file manually as “authorized_keys2

7.       Paste the entry at the target machine which was copied from Machine A (at location: /home/john/. ssh/authorized_keys2”


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