User authentication in Oracle Database (OS - LINUX).

Thursday, September 23, 2010 ·

There are different ways how a user will be authenticated in Oracle database namely:
- Password Authentication
- External Authentication
- Global Authentication

This particular post is relates to external authentication. Basicallly external authentication means a user will be authenticated by referring the OS level username and not rather using the database username. I have provided an illustration to show how this setup can be done in the Oracle database.

1. Create a user at the OS level.
2. Optionally, you could edit the /home/[username]/.bashrc or /home/[username]/.bash_profile file and set the neccessary enviornment variables.

3. Don't add the created user to dba or install group, unless you want the user to be created as a dba or the owner of the OS level oracle related binaries respectively.

4.  Change the os_authent_prefix according to your requirement, and the point to note is that this particular parameter is a non dynamic parameter and as a result requies you to bounce back the database. I have demonstated this by purposely changing the parameter dynamically which has resulted in an error message and then provided the correct statement.

4. Restart your database.

5.  Connect to the database and create a user using the following statement (ensure you login to thed database who has the create user previlege and grant the user the neccessary previlege.

6. At the OS level switch as the user that you have created and connect to the database.

Hope it Helps !!!


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